- MCAST Grounded Theory (GT) Research Hub
- Applied Water Research
- OptiMaL
- Learning Technologies
- Information Security & Digital Forensics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Games Research
- Digital Distributed Ledgers, Cryptocurrencies & FinTech
- Nursing Research
- Higher Education Social, Humanistic and Educational Research
- The Creative Arts Practitioner: Research in Aesthetics, Influences and Processes
- Theoretical Research in the Creative Arts
- Research in Arts Pedagogy
- Applied Marketing Research
- Economy, finance and accounting
- Education, HR and industry
- Operations Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Engineering Fluid Mechanics Research Group
- Space Sciences Research
- Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences research
- Early Years' Social, Humanistic and Educational Research
- Applied Social and Humanistic Research in Health and Social Care Management
- MCAST Entrepreneurship Research (MER)
- Technology and Measurements for Aerospace
- Health Innovation
- SPIDEM – A research concept: Studying Pollutants in Different Environmental Matrices
- AI for Logistics and Inventory Management
- Sustainable Water Irrigation
MCAST Grounded Theory (GT) Research Hub
This platform explores ongoing MCAST research using the Grounded Theory method, and predominantly focusing on the Small Organization.
Prof Antony Bryant - Author 'Sage Handbook of GT' Prof John W Creswell - Author 'Research Design'
Launch of the MCAST DRes with the Chamber of SME's and Richmond Foundation - 21st June 2021
DRes Flier https://mcast.edu.mt/wp-content/uploads/DRes-Brochure-2023-LowRes.pdfGT Research Hub Dashboard
GT Researcher Profiles
GT Research Hub - Session 2020.mp4
GT Research Hub - Mixed Methods.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 1_2021.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 2_2021.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 3_2021.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 4_2021.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 5_2021.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 6_2021.mp4GT Research Hub - Session 1_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 2_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 3_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 4_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 5_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 6_2022.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 1_2023 Conditional Matrix.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 2_2023 From Initial Coding to the Final GT Model.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 3_2023 Coding Families.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 4_2023 Using AI Assist in MAXQDA.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 5_2023 New Code Models in MAXQDA.mp4
GT Research Hub - Session 6_2023 Reflexivity vs AI.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 1_2024 AI-Enhanced Abduction.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 2_2024 MAXQDA24 Theory Building Tools.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 3_2024 Identifying your Philosophy.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 4_2024 The Gioia Method.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 5_2024 Doctoral Project Example.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 6_2024 Constant Comparison.mp4
GT Research Hub - Workshop 1_2025 Kickstarting the Coding Process.mp4
Select GT Publications & Dissertations
MCAST Post-Graduate Related Programmes
PGCert in Research Methods https://moodle.mcast.edu.mt/pluginfile.php/91386/mod_label/intro/PG%20Cert.pdf
Masters in Research Methods https://www.mcast.edu.mt/courses/ri7-05-21/
Masters by Research https://www.mcast.edu.mt/courses/ri7-02-21/
Professional Research Doctorate on the Competitive Behaviour of Small Organizations (MCAST DRes) https://mcast.edu.mt/wp-content/uploads/DRes-Brochure-2023-LowRes.pdf
Applied Water Research
Research Profile
Malta has the lowest water resources index and highest water competition index in the whole of the Mediterranean basin. Given this, challenges are placed for the nation to be in the forefront of both water technology and in the skilling of water operations and management, whilst operating within challenging socio-economic conditions. It is within this setting that the Water Research and Training Centre holds strong potential. The centre focuses on water enterprise, as it aims to embody the application of creative ideas and innovations to practical situations in the water field, as well as solving the challenges that are encountered locally. The Centre focuses on areas such as Water Efficiency, Water Quality, Water Meter Research & Apparent Water Losses, and Water Treatment. It looks into industry skills gaps, providing for programmes in water technology and management that range from EQF Level 4 to 7.
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Researcher Profiles
- Dr Alex Rizzo
- Mr Edwin Zammit
- Ing Chris Camilleri
- Ms Paula Grech Bonnici
- Dr Frederick Lia
- Mr Malcolm Borg
- Mr Juan Jose Bonello
- Ms Alison Gauci
Post-Graduate Related Programmes
Select Publications & Dissertations
- IAS01_2019 IAS-CAAS BSc in Chemical Technology: Determination of storm water quality within catchment area/s.
- IAS73_2018 IAS-CAAS BSc in Chemical Technology: Comparison between heavy metals in mains water supply and roof tank water supply.
- IAS67_2018 IAS-CAAS BSc in Chemical Technology: Developing a method for the identification of microplastics in the Maltese marine environment.
- IAS44_2018 IAS-CAAS BSc in Environmental Engineering: The distribution of Marine Pollutants in the Maltese Islands.
- IAS15_2018 IAS-CAAS BSc in Fish Management: A pilot study investigating offshore Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) egg incubation for hatching and release into the wild.
- IAS02_2018 IAS - CAAS BSc Environmental Engineering: Overview of Greywater Recycling Systems: Assessing the Sustainability of Greywater Recycling Systems in Small Organisations.
- Enhancing Water Meter In-Service Testing and Replacement Decisions
Research Profile
Dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the fields of sport and physical activity in competitive, recreational and health-related contexts, SPRINT serves as a hub for academics and expert practitioners within a wider international collaborative framework. Interests include competitive, educational and sociological aspects of the sports domain, as well as recreational, clinical and therapeutic aspects of the exercise for health domain. Through various research activities as well as training and professional development initiatives, the group aspires towards the development of innovative approaches to practice in the performance, provision and promotion of physical activity and exercise.
Meeting of Sports lecturers with MFA to explore research collaboration
Sports science lecturers at the Institute of Community Services and the Malta Football Association, namely the General secretary Dr Angelo Chetcuti, and National Team Head Coach amongst others, met to explain which data the MFA currently has gathered that can be accessed by MCAST Sports science researchers and academics for specific sports science research. MFA Executive Mr Kurt Formosa explained how the data management system works and what kind of data it contains. Fitness Coach Francesco Zanasi went through the performance management platform used by the MFA, ITERPro.
This meeting gave MCAST academics and MCAST SPRINT-Hub members an overview that shall increase their understanding of what data may be explored when conducting research and supervising MCAST students.
The MFA have appointed physical trainer Karl Attard as first point of reference to keep this collaboration alive. This collaboration solidifies the strong link established between the MCAST sports science team and the Malta Football Association.
Together with Ms Mercieca and Mr Ciangura, for the meeting there were Mr Johann Zarb, Dr Matthew Muscat Inglott and Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo from MCAST and Mr Kurt Formosa, Dr Dawn Aquilina and Dr Daniel McKean from the MFA.
Key Projects
Click on the following link for an overview of the project: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-MT01-KA203-074214
CoachEd6 is an Erasmus+ project led by MCAST with the involvement of The University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Mugla Sitki Kocman University (MSKU), Reykjavik University (RU) and the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE).
The project focuses on the development of a Sports Coaching Award at EQF Level 6, with a total of 24 ECTSs. According to plan, the project partners have already obtained the accreditation on Unit 1: introduction to Sports Coaching, and are now working on the development of Unit 2, 3 and 4.This EQF Level 6 recognised Award in Sports Coaching will start in October 2021, and will be including 4 different cohorts. These 4 cohorts will be made of 16 learners per partner country, hence 16 studying in Malta (MCAST), 6 in Iceland (RU), 16 learners in Turkey (MSKU) and 16 in Denmark (SDU). This is an opportunity for all the four partner countries to collaborate on this coaching education programme while having the coaching learners collaborating across EU countries.
More details can be found on https://coached6. mcast.edu.mt
What is CoachEd6? Watch this promotional video:
SPRINT Research Projects
A Study of the Effects of Facility and Service Provision on Physical Activity among Students and Staff at MCAST.
R Kerr Cumbo, M Muscat Inglott, D Caruana Bonnici. MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 3 (2), 38-60
2020A Comparison between the Internal Load and External Load in football training.
K Sciortino, R Kerr Cumbo, I Akubat, M Muscat Inglott, D Caruana BonniciA Case Study of Learners’ and staff dialogic learning and engagement as a curricular action.
R Kerr Cumbo, N M VassalloTeaching and learning effective reflective practice for learning at work: Evaluating delivery and application of the STOP tool
M Muscat Inglott,Exploring the nomenclature, role, scope and academic background of recognised exercise for health professionals in various international health contexts.J Zarb2021
- Quantifying the Tactical External Load in Football Training R Kerr Cumbo, M Muscat Inglott
- Promoting Physical Activity and Sport Participation with Individuals with Intellectual Disability in an Inclusive Setting Researcher: Amanda Dimech
- Developing, implementing and evaluating a novel approach to teaching PE and sport incorporating mental skills training. Researcher: Anna Maria Gatt
- Sport, Small States and Malta: A Qualitative Case Study. Researcher: Corissa Vella White
- The coach created motivational climate in professional football. Mr Ivan Woods
- Improving/Teaching movement control of the lower, lumbar back region during exercise with the use of wearable, wireless motion sensors. Researcher: Ms. Cynthia Agius, Mr. Matthew Emmerson, Mr. Clive Seguna
- Exploring health-related lifestyle behaviours among MCAST students. Researcher: Mr Johann Zarb
- The impact of childhood circumstances on early adulthood health Researcher: Mr. Paul Calleja
Researcher Profiles
- Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo - MCAST, Malta
- Dr Dorianne Caruana Bonnici - MCAST, Malta
Dr Matthew Muscat Inglott – MCAST, Malta
- Dr Nadia Maria Vassallo - MCAST, Malta
- Dr Andreas Küttel – Southern University of Denmark
- Ole Mathorne – Southern University of Denmark
- Dr Ibrahim Akuba - Newman University, England
- Ms. Amanda Dimech
- Ms. Anna Maria Gatt
- Ms. Corissa Vella White
- Ms. Cynthia Agius
- Mr. Ivan Woods
- Mr. Johann Zarb
- Mr. Paul Calleja
Post-Graduate Related Programmes
MSc in Exercise and Sports Science
Master's in Research
Select Publications & Dissertations
Muscat-Inglott (2018). The essential nature of on-the-job thinking: A phenomenological study of health and fitness professionals engaged in learning experiences
Kerr Cumbo (2018). Coaching through Principles of Play. A Conceptualization of the Coaches’ Process of Knowledge Generation.
Caruana Bonnici (2017). Nutrition in Soccer. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
BONNICI, DORIANNE. GREIG, MATTHEW. Akubat, I., Sparks, A., Bentley, D. J., & MCNAUGHTON, LARS. (Accepted/In press). Nutrition in Soccer: A brief review of the issues and solutions: Nutrition and Soccer. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 1(1).
Optimisation & Machine Learning Research Group:
Researcher Profiles
- Jeremy Scerri (jeremy.scerri@mcast.edu.mt)
- Joseph A. Zammit
- Kris Scicluna
- Joshua Bugeja
- Clive Seguna
Post-Graduate Related Programmes
- Masters by Research in Optimisation and Machine Learning
Link to Specialist module content
Research Profile
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly a disruptive force and with the recent advances in the field of Machine Learning, specifically in the field of deep learning, machines have continued to achieve human (and superhuman) levels of performance. The National High-level Policy document - ‘Towards an AI Strategy’ - identifies AI as a potentially strong contributor to Malta’s economic growth. The core research themes of the optimisation and machine learning group, Optimal, are directed towards the conclusions derived from this national strategy. The team’s strongest asset is in its multidisciplined members.
The team looks at collaboration opportunities with industry that involves big data analytics. The application of big data analytics across the whole spectrum of the service and manufacturing industries is able to reveal key insights that are otherwise left uncovered. These insights benefit cost saving and revenue opportunities in the manufacturing industry and faster lifesaving diagnoses and clinical research in the life sciences industries. Collaboration with industry ensures that the team stays focused on providing solutions to real-world problems.
Such alliances also lead to the identification of areas that require upskilling efforts. The team can readily develop custom training programmes to fill such needs, needs that arise from Industry 4.0 requirements.
Select Publications & Dissertations
Type Date Title Comments Dissertation 2019 Algorithms for Optical Artificial Skin: Touch and Pressure Detection Paper 2019 Integrated Position and Force Sensing for Optical Artificial Skin using Machine Learning Methods Under Review Dissertation 2019 Classification and Analysis of Bio-Potential Signals Dissertation 2019 Vision Based Control System of an Industrial Robotic Arm Dissertation 2019 Design and building a Whistle Detector for Person With Hearing Impairment Dissertation 2018 Capacitive Finger Detection for Biomedical Applications Dissertation 2018 Classification of EMG signals Dissertation 2018 Classification of Medical Images Dissertation 2018 Design of a Vision Based Eye Tracking Control System Paper 2018 Development of a New Low-Cost EMG Monitoring System for the Classification of Finger Movement NGCAS 2018 Paper 2018 Dimensional Optimisation of a MEMS BPSK to ASK Converter in SOIMUMPs Integration - VLSI Journal Dissertation 2018 GAPP - Generating, Analysing and Playing Piano Pieces Paper 2009 An Efficient Algorithm for the Control of Reconfigurable Pixel Microstrip Antennas Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics,
Learning Technologies
Scope and Aims
The ICTAR Learning Technologies research theme provides a setting for the sharing of the latest theories, applications, and services related to planning, developing, managing, using, and evaluating information technologies in academic and vocational education, multimedia learning, as well as other innovative educational technologies like intelligent systems, AR and VR.
The aims of the research theme are to:
- Develop eLearning strategies and systems.
- Explore new uses of technology in education.
- Conduct case studies detailing examples of technology applications in higher education.
- In-depth analysis of the latest theories, applications and services in the field.
Proposed initiatives:
- Analysis of current eLearning initiatives in the context of the ICT institute/MCAST.
- Learner profiling - Adaptation of sequencing material type
depending on learner behaviour.
- Production of high quality eLearning content to
support lecturers. (which includes the application of UDL principles)
Key Projects
R&I 2019 036 – Augmented Reality in Catering
R&I 2019 036 – Augmented Reality in Catering
Select Publications & Dissertations
Cauchi, M. & Scerri, D., 2019. Enriching Tourist UX via a Location Based AR Treasure Hunt Game. In 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) IEEE.Link 2
- Cassar,
L.B. and Inguanez, F., 2018, September. ARC: Augmented Reality for Catering. In
2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin
(ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Galea, L. & Scerri, D., 2019. Crime Scene Detective Training via Virtual Reality. (Dissertation)
Information Security & Digital Forensics
Scope and Aims
The ICTAR Information Security & Digital Forensics research theme focuses on security best practices within the information security world as well as methodologies, techniques and best practices within digital forensics.The aims of this research theme are to:- Promote and raise awareness about security guidelines and best practices
- Collaborate and assist industry partners to meet security requirements and standards
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Cilia, D. and Inguanez, F., 2018, September. Multi-Model authentication using keystroke dynamics for Smartphones. In 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Cilia, D. and Inguanez, F., Typing Biometrics as a Form of Passive User Authentication. MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice, p.87.
Artificial Intelligence
Research Profile
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionary in many ways. It has changed society; the way humans communicate and act. Most recently, there has been a rebirth in the field of AI for the betterment of humanity. AI is changing everything from healthcare, travel, warfare, robotics, education and more.
Specialising in machine learning, deep learning and the semantic web, the ICTAR Artificial Intelligence research theme aims to support students in their research as well as undertake funded research projects related to AI.Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Sciberras, R. and Inguanez, F., 2018, September. Road traffic flow estimation via public IP cameras. In 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- T. Gatt, D. Seychell and A. Dingli, "Detecting human abnormal behaviour through a video generated model," 2019 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2019, pp. 264-270. doi: 10.1109/ISPA.2019.8868795
Games Research
The ICTAR Games Research research theme focuses on the various topics related to games development such as but not limited to:
- AI - Information Extraction & Text Mining
- AI - Knowledge Representation
- Emotion and affective computing
- Game AI
- Pathfinding
- Player Modelling
- Computational Creativity
- Trajectory Analytics
- Spatial Game Analytics
- AI - Information Extraction & Text Mining
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Digital Distributed Ledgers, Cryptocurrencies & FinTech
This research theme is focused on the most important topics in both the academia and industry world, mainly due to the effects that this new technology could have. The adoption of this technology by FinTech companies constitutes the next step towards the expansion of blockchain and its sustainability. Areas of interest are security, scalability, legal and regulatory, privacy or latency, with proposed solutions.
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Curmi, A. and Inguanez, F., 2018, July. BlockChain Based Certificate Verification Platform. In International Conference on Business Information Systems (pp. 211-216). Springer, Cham.
- Mizzi, J. and Inguanez, F., 2018.
Blockchain based E-Voting System. Journal of E-Technology Volume, 9(2),
Nursing Research
Research Profile
Nursing research is critical and necessary for influencing current and future nursing practice in achieving quality, safe and innovative care. A research-active nursing team within our educational Institution is fundamental in contributing to the necessary evidence-base that supports quality care and enhance integration between the theory and practice, with a view to optimise students’ learning.
Nurses form one of the largest components of the healthcare workforce and their role has evolved significantly, with nurses working across a variety of settings. The demands placed on this profession in response to a changing demographic and improvement in life expectancy, further warrants the need for continuous research to identify ways of addressing these challenges.
The nursing team aspires towards shaping nurse education that is rooted in evidence-based practice and contribute to the overall body of knowledge to influence nursing practice that optimises patient outcomes.Key Projects
An exploration of hydration practices in the Maltese residential elderly homes
Intercultural Nursing
Teaching and Learning in Nursing
Improving Geriatric Patient Satisfaction: Development of a High-Fidelity E-learning Simulation Course to Develop Intercultural Skills in Geriatric Patient Care – GNurseSim – Erasmus+ KA2
Researcher Profiles
Ms Phyllis Farrugia Abanifi
Mr Joseph Grech
Ms Francesca Micallef
Mr Neville Schembri
Mr Alan Sciberras Narmaniya
Mr Jonathan Vella
Ms Marisa Vella
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Micallef, F., Vella, M., Narmaniya Sciberras, A., Cook, G., Thompson, J. (2021) ‘An exploration of hydration practices in Maltese residential care homes for older people’ Nursing and Residential Care, 23 (11) pp. 1-12. https://doi.org10.12968/nrec.2021.23.11.
- Vella, M., Narmaniya Sciberras, A., Micallef, f. (2021) ‘Hydration Practices in Older Adult Residential Care Homes: A Scoping Review’ MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice, 5 (2) pp. 58 -85.
- Grech, J. (2021). Impact of a nurse-led brief tobacco cessation training program for healthcare professionals. Public Health Nursing, DOI: 10.1111/phn.12925
- Grech, J. (2021). Critical self-reflection
for nurse educators: Now more than ever! Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16: 89 - 91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2020.09.001
- Grech, J. (2021). Social presence and satisfaction in asynchronous text-based communications in online nursing education: a comparison with synchronous video communications. Nursing Education Perspectives. DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000915
- Grech, J, Grech, J. (2021). Nursing students’
evaluation of a gamified public health educational webinar: A comparative pilot
study. Nursing Open. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.826
- Grech, J., Sammut, R., Buontempo, M. B., Vassallo, P., and Calleja, N. (2020). Brief tobacco cessation interventions: Practices, opinions, and attitudes of healthcare professionals. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 6(August), 48. https://doi.org/10.18332/tpc/125353
- Schembri, N. (2021). Developing Linguistic and Cultural Competence: Participants' Evaluation of A Maltese Language and Culture Awareness Program. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(5). DOI:10.14738/assrj.85.10195.
- Schembri, N. (2020). The Use of Reflection and Reflexivity in Nurse Education: Experiences of Educators Teaching on an Undergraduate Degree Nursing Program in Malta. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 50(1): 95-105.
- Schembri, N. Understanding bullying in Nursing: current evidence and suggested strategies. 13th European Regional Conference of the Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives (8-9 March 2019); Malta
- Schembri N. The use of reflection and reflexivity in nurse education: A pedagogical tool. 5th Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Conference (6 – 7 March 2020); Royal College of Physicians, London UK
Schembri N. Exploring individual knowledge, social and motivational capital of overseas nurses in Malta. 5th Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Conference (6 – 7 March 2020); Royal College of Physicians, London UK
Higher Education Social, Humanistic and Educational Research
Applied Social Research encompasses social science disciplines which seek to use basic social science knowledge to make an impact on the daily life of communities, organizations and persons. Applied Humanistic Research gives leading importance to human beings, their created meaning and actions in research so at to improve the state of human kind in a wide range of contexts. Applied Educational Research denotes the systemic collection and analysis of data connected to the field of Education, amongst which; student learning, development and human attributes, teaching methodology, teacher training, student retention, classroom dynamics, educational organisations, and educational strategies that contribute to the educational outcome.
The above three aspects though being independent, may be also interdependent in research since the core principles are situated in improving the state of human kind, disciplines, organizations, communities and contexts. This interdependent research can be exemplified by the fusion of biopsychosocial and educational research.
Research in this field relates to social, humanistic and educational research related to higher education.
Research Groups
Professional identities
Technology in Education
Mental Health
Key Projects
- A biopsychosocial perspective and immersive-learning technology for schizophrenia Researcher: Ms Fiorella Borg, Ms. Christina Agius, Mr. Mark Spiteri
- Educator's Experiences of Managing Workplace Stress and Burnout in a Post-Secondary Vocational Institution. Researcher: Mr. Luke Mallia Azzopardi
- Self-perception of satisfaction and sense of belonging (SOB) among students within online learning cmmunities. Researcher: Ms. Cassandra Sturgeon Delia
- Meaning-making processes in the formation of professional identities. Researcher: Dr Nadia Marie Vassallo, Mr Kenny Muscat
- Student-staff interactions and impact on wellbeing, connectedness and a sense of belonging. Researcher: Dr. Nadia Maria Vassallo, Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo, Mr Johann Zarb
- Preventing Dropping Out in Post-Secondary Education. Researcher: Ms. Fabienne Lara Briffa, Ms. Marilyn Pace Mintoff
- The Use of Remote Learning Technologies in higher education, during COVID-19. Researcher: Ms Adriana Camilleri
- Mindfulness in college students as a psychological tool to foster positive effects, reduce negative effects and foster resilience. Researcher: Ms Elaine Atkins
- Re-thinking the teaching of mathematics post-COVID. Researcher: Ms Marouska Zahra Micallef
- Mental health, stigma and social media: The lived experiences of MCAST students. Researcher: Mr Matthew Borg
Parents as partners in the education of post-secondary students, at MCAST level 2 or lower. Researcher: Ms Maria Lisa Gilson
Researcher Profiles
Cassandra Sturgeon Delia
Fabienne Lara Briffa
Marilyn Pace Mintoff
Adriana Camilleri
Elaine Atkins
Marouska Zahra Micallef
Matthew Borg
Maria Lisa GilsonSelect Publications & Dissertations
- Sturgeon Delia, C (2021), "Technologies Employed Within the Healthcare Setting During the COVID-19 Pandemic for a Continuation of Care: Emerging CoP MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice volume 5, issue 1, 212 - 232 10.5604/01.3001.0015.0199
- Sturgeon Delia, C. (2021), "A vegetarian educator in a meat obsessed country", British Food Journal, Vol. 123 No. 8, pp. 2770-2784. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-06-2020-0486 https://www.plumtri.org/node/1785
- Spiteri, D. (2020) “An expression of resilience? The experiences students from an asylum-seeking background at MCAST, a college in Malta”. Resilience in schools: Research and practice. (Ed. C. Cefai & R. Spiteri). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
The Creative Arts Practitioner: Research in Aesthetics, Influences and Processes
This research theme highlights projects carried out by the artistic practitioner, where theory and practice are unified through an exploration of the artistic process and by obtaining an understanding of theoretical influences on the artistic product.
Artistic research projects at MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts adopt a broad spectrum of approaches:
- Development of artistic practice from theoretical research
- Auto-ethnographic research of the creative process
- Practice in research methods
Theoretical Research in the Creative Arts
Artistic practice and theoretical understanding of the arts are interrelated and they are strongly dependent on each other. This research theme encapsulates all studies focussing on defining and exploring theoretical aspects of the creative arts, which ultimately forms the foundation of creative arts practice. Current research falling under this theme focus on the development of a theoretical understanding of the cyberpunk genre, as well as the understanding of the adaptation of the philosophical graphic novel into film.
Researcher Profiles
- Simon Callus
- Dominic Tringali
- Simon Callus
Research in Arts Pedagogy
Pedagogical methods in the creative arts have always given rise to research questions in all artistic fields, particularly in the development of models of teaching the arts through an approach that naturally arises from artistic activity. Furthermore, with the arts sector being one of the most dynamic sectors in the industry, artists and professionals in the creative industry are in constant search to test the boundaries of their practices. This means that creative arts education has to keep pace with these developments by equipping the students with the best education for the present and the future. Research in creative arts pedagogy and methodology endows the art educator with the ability to keep up with the required upgrades and innovations in the ever-changing creative industries.
Applied Marketing Research
Research Profile
Marketing Research plays a key role in business management and decision making, providing representation and understanding of the market environment, as well as a prediction of the outcomes related to a planned marketing decision. Unlike basic marketing research, that is aimed more at expanding the general knowledge in the subject, applied marketing research focuses more on solving specific pragmatic problems to obtain a better understanding of the market itself, resulting in tailored marketing strategies and a reduction of uncertainty in management decision making. Thus, the objectives of Applied Marketing Research within the IBMC is to provide insights and understanding of the nature of marketing phenomena, with a particular focus at the local stakeholders. Moreover, such research will eventually be able to provide local stakeholders with quantitative and qualitative marketing research methodologies that might suit better their own needs, thus improving the decision making and management processes.Researchers
Carmelina Frendo
Ms Frendo’s areas of specialization are Strategic Management, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. Before joining MCAST, she was the head of the Marketing Research Unit at GO plc where she gained extensive experience in monitoring consumer trends and conducting feasibility studies focusing on the commercialisation of new technologies in the Maltese market. In the last three years, she focused her research interest on the attitudes of the Maltese towards renewable energy and initiatives to protect the environment.
Rachel Curmi
Ms Curmi comes from a Business & Computing (BSc) background and later moved into management. She gained extensive professional experience in the field of transport & logistics, marketing, web analytics, sales conversion funnel, amongst the others. Her research interest focuses principally on Applied Marketing Research using a Cluster Analysis approach, as well as statistical and machine learning tools to perform business analytics. In the past, she also researched in the field of vocational education working on a project entitled ‘Remaining the Vocational Professional: A Grounded Theory Study of IVET Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development’.
Linniker Grech
Selected Publications & Dissertations
Frendo C. (2018). ‘The Attitudes of Maltese Consumers towards Renewable Energy: An Investigation’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 2 (1), 59-67.
Curmi T. (2019). ‘Remaining the Vocational Professional: A Grounded Theory Study of IVET Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 3 (2), 4-23.
Economy, finance and accounting
Research Profile
This research category encompasses three important aspects - economy, finance and accounting. These are three important areas that are at the heart of IBMC. Aspects relating to the economy, finance, financial management, sources of finance, accounting and entrepreneurship play an important role in research opportunities. These are considered as instrumental for the success of every business. Amongst other things, through this research theme, research can be conducted as to how vital elements in an economy contribute to the economic growth of Malta and how it lends itself as a pull factor for foreign financial services companies to set up shop locally.
Luke Vella
Mr Vella is a lecturer at IBMC lecturing on the degree in Financial Services Management. His lecturing portfolio includes units that are mostly concerned with financial markets and economics. Mr Vella got a degree in Economics (Hons) and specialised further by obtaining a Masters in Economics. Given his background, his research interests focus mainly on Macroeconomics and Econometrics. Before working at MCAST, Mr Vella gained professional expertise working at the Central Bank of Malta within the financial stability department.
Theresa Demanuele Montebello
Theresa Demanuele Montebello is a Senior Lecturer at IBMC. Her main areas of interest relate to poverty & education, gender equality/gender pay gap, female entrepreneurship and women in employment, financial management and accounting of voluntary work. In particular, she would like to continue her research in the field of poverty, gender and education that she started working on during her Master in Research.
Linniker GrechSelected Publications & Dissertations
Vella L. ( 2016 ).‘The effect of air pollution on property prices in Malta: a hedonic analysis’, BA thesis, Faculty of Economics, University of Malta. Vella L. (2018). ‘The Macro Economic Factors affecting Property Prices in Malta’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 2 (1), 4-27. Tabone DL., Vella L. (2019). ‘Labour Migration into Malta and the Effect on the Maltese Economy’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 3 (1), 42-68. Demanuele Montebello T. (2019). ‘Alleviating Poverty In Malta: Changing Minds Through Education’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 3 (1), 20-41. Micallef MC. (2018) ‘Gender equality: A study on equal opportunities for women employed in the private sector within the financial services industry’ (Dissertation -Tutor: Demanuele Montebello, T.). Gatt K. (2019) ‘Breaking the glass ceiling: Women in the Maltese workforce’ (Dissertation -Tutor: Demanuele Montebello, T.)
Education, HR and industry
Research Profile
This category brings together three important sectors - education, human resources and industry. MCAST has a leading role in providing vocational education to students. As an educational institution, it has experience in working in collaboration with industry to address skills gaps and to provide the necessary vocational education, and work experience through apprenticeship and internship to students. There is a keen expression of interest for research areas in vocational education, with a focus on innovative educational resources for learning.
Martina Cristina Vella
Ms Martina Cristina Vella is a senior lecturer at IBMC, interested in anything to do with bridging the gap between industry and learning. Ms Vella comes from a recruitment and HR background and has carried out research related to Apprenticeships and Skill Gaps in the Financial Services Industry, using mainly a Grounded Theory approach.
Theresa Demanuele Montebello
Theresa Demanuele Montebello is a Senior Lecturer at IBMC. Her main areas of interest relate to poverty & education, gender equality/gender pay gap, female entrepreneurship and women in employment, financial management and accounting of voluntary work. In particular, she would like to continue her research in the field of poverty, gender and education that she started working on during her Master in Research.
Linniker GrechSelected Publications & Dissertations
Vella M.C. (2018). ‘How Effective is Apprenticeship to Learning? A Student Perspective’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 2 (1), 28-43.
Demanuele Montebello T. (2019). ‘Alleviating Poverty In Malta: Changing Minds Through Education’, MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice 3 (1), 20-41. Micallef MC. (2018) ‘Gender equality: A study on equal opportunities for women employed in the private sector within the financial services industry’ (Dissertation -Tutor: Demanuele Montebello, T.). Gatt K. (2019) ‘Breaking the glass ceiling: Women in the Maltese workforce’ (Dissertation -Tutor: Demanuele Montebello, T.)
Operations Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Research Profile
Logistics and supply chain management is considered as a vital research field. It has been regarded as a crucial factor for the companies to obtain a competitive edge, however, the management of supply chains is still not particularly well understood and there is a need for clear definitional constructs and conceptual frameworks. The objective of this research theme is not to just focus on the supply chain management of short life cycle products (perishable, fashion and electronic products) but to also move towards topics that might include urban logistics, humanitarian logistics, and agriculture supply chain, topics that are more in lines with the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, other research directions might potentially include the role of information technologies in the logistics and supply chain management and the possibility to increase investment in the green logistics and supply chain field, formulating and implementing various bills, plans, and strategies, and strengthening the implementation of a green economic development strategy.
Claire Anne Gauci
Linniker Grech
Engineering Fluid Mechanics Research Group
Research Group Profile
Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics concerned with the mechanics of fluids (liquids and gases) and the forces on them. The term ‘fluid mechanics’ constitutes of: (a) fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest; and (b) fluid dynamics, the study of the effect of forces on fluid motion. An interesting study area, though, quite complex, is the study of the hydrodynamics of fluid flow behaviour of both single-phase flow (pure liquids or gases) and multi-phase flows (water, oil and gas mixtures).
Research will be focused on addressing current challenges attributed to the behaviour of fluids flow phenomena within a variety of different industrial processes. This include typical fluid flow challenges which are encountered in industrial applications, such as those related to the oil and gas industry (flow assurance and metering issues), the petroleum industry (issues related to both storing and pumping of petroleum products), food and beverage industries (issues related to the processing, handling and storing of viscous and non-conventional fluid mixtures), and water processing facilities such as water treatment plants and sewage plants (difficulties encountered to meet or maintain pre-set product outflow specifications and regulations).
The research projects within the proposed theme aim towards generating outcomes, thereby providing feasible solutions (based on a synergy of theoretical and practical evidence) to real fluid-related challenges. This research is part of collaborative research work between MCAST-EFMRG and Cranfield University Centre for Thermal Energy Systems and Materials. Currently collaboration between Dr Inġ. Darren Mifsud and Dr Patrick Verdin from Cranfield.
Research work opportunities within MCAST-EFMRG:
(i) Develop optimisation numerical models (CFD and algorithms) of fluid processing plants and/or industrial equipment,
(ii) Develop by design and/or by application novel flow metering, flow separation and pumping technologies, and
(iii) Provide solutions to local challenges attributed to the harnessing and storage modes of energy provided by renewable energy sources.
(iv) Perform research under the supervision of academics specialising in the said fields of research.
(v) Gain international recognition by performing research in collaboration with one of the UK top universities.
Collaborating External Entities
Selected Publications & Dissertations
- A Semi-Analytical Jet Pump Model for a Multiphase-Gas Jet Pump Apparatus – Under Review – Submitted in Applied Mechanics Reviews - ASME
- Surrogate-based Design Optimisation Tool for Dual-Phase Fluid Driving Jet Pump Apparatus – Publication date: Nov 22, 2019 - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.
- The Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flows in the Injection Part of a Conventional Ejector - Publication date: Oct 10, 2018 - International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
- Investigating the performance and applicability of multiphase surface jet pumps in the oil and gas industry - Publication date: Sep 2015 - Cranfield University.
- A Comprehensive Design Optimisation and Performance Evaluation Study of Multiphase-fluids Driving Jet Pumps - Publication date: Sep 2018 - Cranfield University.
Works in progress
- Experimental determination of thermal properties of conventional and novel combinations of brick wall for existing construction in the Maltese Islands – Under internal Review – Submission will follow in the Journal of Building Engineering.
- A multi-objective function optimization of a self-stabilisation compact thermo-electric heater and cooler - Under internal Review – Submission will follow in the Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.
Patented Technologies
UK (GB2571135A) – Jet Pump apparatus - Granted
PCT application (WO2019162649A) – International Search Report for WO2019162649A contains 9A citations only, so equivalent national phase patents are expected to be granted.
Space Sciences Research
Research Profile
One of the main aims of the group is to develop techniques to be able to photograph and analyse further interesting deep sky objects with interest in planetary nebulae and galaxies. Such measurements will lead us to further research carried out in astronomy and astrophysics. Future measurements taken may then be shared globally with other observatories and astronomers to be able to conduct specific observations on interesting subjects. These observations over time may also aid in us understating our particular place in the universe and ultimately perhaps show a road-map to our future.
Another interest of the group is alternative theories of gravity whereby such an endeavour hopes to fill in the shortcomings of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The universe is expanding and accelerating in such an expansion. Cosmologists and astrophysicists have yet to fully understand why such a phenomenon is occurring. To try and explain this one may invoke the idea of dark energy being present in the universe or else study modified theories of gravity. In modified theories of gravity, we try and thinker with the yielded equations to be able to fit observations. This is contrary to how science usually works.
Particular interest of the group would be to use exotic stars like neutron stars and quark stars as test subjects and with their equation of state test the alternative theories for their successfulness within a certain frame.Research groups
Collaboration with the Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy within the University of Malta. Connection has already been established and very easy to conduct.Key projects
Cosmology@Malta 2019 COST Meeting CA 15117 CANTATA: ‘Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions’
The COST Action PHAROS (CA16214) The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars
CANTATA COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action CA15117, EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020Researcher Profiles
Mark PaceSelected Publications & Dissertations
- Pace, M. and Said,
J.L., 2017. Quark stars in f (T,T) f (T, T)-gravity. The European
Physical Journal C, 77(2), pp.1-5.
Pace, M. and Said, J.L., 2017. A perturbative approach to neutron stars in f (T, T)-gravity. The European Physical Journal C, 77(5), p.283
- Pace, M. and Said,
J.L., 2017. Quark stars in f (T,T) f (T, T)-gravity. The European
Physical Journal C, 77(2), pp.1-5.
Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences research
Research Profile
As Malta’s major education institution specializing in agriculture, aquatic & animal sciences, research targets areas ranging from veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, horticulture, fisheries and other food production areas. The research that is undertaken, both as part of students’ undergraduate dissertations and that done by the Centre’s experts in the subject matter seek to target issues and challenges being faced by the respective sectors. Applied research in these areas strive to maximize impact with the stakeholders and end-users.Research groups
Animal Husbandry & Production
Fisheries & AquacultureKey projects
Establishment of a national agriculture research and innovation hub. Focus on quality forage production.
An investigation into the interactions between fisheries and cetaceans.
Establishing a colony of Maltese wild rabbits in an enclosed facility which imitates natural conditions.
A preliminary study into nutritional and microbial variations of fresh and cured Maltese sheep’s milk cheeselets ‘Ġbejniet tan-nagħaġ’.
Pedigree Breeding and Rearing Protocol of the Black Maltese Chicken to attain a Stock that can be used for Commercial Purposes.
The use of tensiometers to assist farmers in irrigation decision-making.
Researcher Profiles
Malcolm Borg
Kimberly Terribile
Ian Falzon
Timothy Pace Lupi
Joseph Jason Abela
John Galea
Robert Debono
Paul Spiteri
Early Years' Social, Humanistic and Educational Research
Research Profile
Applied Social Research encompasses social science disciplines which seek to use basic social science knowledge to make an impact on the daily life of communities, organizations and persons. Applied Humanistic Research gives leading importance to human beings, their created meaning and actions in research so at to improve the state of human kind in a wide range of contexts. Applied Educational Research denotes the systemic collection and analysis of data connected to the field of Education, amongst which; student learning, development and human attributes, teaching methodology, teacher training, student retention, classroom dynamics, educational organisations, and educational strategies that contribute to the educational outcome.
The above three aspects though being independent, may be also interdependent in research since the core principles are situated in improving the state of human kind, disciplines, organizations, communities and contexts. This interdependent research can be exemplified by the fusion of biopsychosocial and educational research.
Early Years Education deals with research in the social, humanistic and educational fields related to the early days of the children's educational journey. A variety of subject areas are dealt with, including issues of gender, morality, anxiety, mental health and multiculturalism.
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Mental Health
Gender studies
Key Projects
Investigating moral education in the kindergarten classrooms in Malta Researcher: Ms. Isabelle Zammit
- Early Childhood and Care: A multicultural approach. Researcher: Ms. Simone Restall
- Gender equality in education. Researcher: Ms. Beverly Abela Gatt
- Children's 'excess' baggage: Exploring feelings of worry and stress in young students. Researcher: Dr. Melanie Darmanin
- Understanding multisensory classrooms and spaces for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Researcher: Ms. Elaine Dimech
- Emerging from Crisis? The implementation of the Emergent Curriculum by Early Years Practitioners. Researcher: Mr Heathcliff Schembri
- Embracing an Inclusive Practice in the Early Childhood Cycle. Researcher: Ms Christine Schembri
- The Classroom's Closet? The Experiences of LGBTQ+ Educators in 'Progressing' Malta Researcher: Mr Heathcliff Schembri
- STEMStart - A Multisensory STEM Toolkit for the Early Years Researcher: Mr Heathcliff Schembri
- Communication Practices in Maltese Childcare Settings: Are we building a beam or a rope bridge? Researcher: Dr Melanie Damanin
Researcher Profiles
Post-Graduate Related Programmes
Master's in Research
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Sciberras, C. & Schembri, H. (2020). A COACTION model to Explore Remote Teacher and Learning Support Educator Collaboration during COVID-19 School Closure in Malta. Malta Review of Educational Research, Vol. 14(2), pp 183-210.
- ICS12_2018: Higher Diploma in Advanced Studies in Early Years: Designing an autism spectrum disorder friendly classroom
- Darmanin, M & Levy, R. (2021) 'I tWas Worth Every Minute, I’m Proud of the Way It Turned Out!’ Defining Reading and Writing in the Digital Age. Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 12 (26), pp 13-25.
Applied Social and Humanistic Research in Health and Social Care Management
Research Profile
Applied Social Research encompasses social science disciplines which seek to use basic social science knowledge to make an impact on the daily life of communities, organizations and persons. Applied Humanistic Research gives leading importance to human beings, their created meaning and actions in research so at to improve the state of human kind in a wide range of contexts.
The above aspects though being independent, may be also interdependent in research since the core principles are situated in improving the state of human kind, disciplines, organizations, communities and contexts. This interdependent research can be exemplified by the fusion of biopsychosocial and educational research.
Research Groups, Centres or Hubs
Health and Social Care
Mental Health
Sociological Research
Key Projects
- A biopsychosocial perspective and immersive-learning technology for schizophrenia Researchers: Ms Fiorella Borg, Ms. Christina Agius, Mr. Mark Spiteri
- The Vine Research Project: Sociological and Operational Research-enhancing Pastoral activity within the Community. Researchers: Dr. Damian Spiteri, Ms. Antonella Brincat, Mr. David Callaby Floridia
- Youth in Supported Accommodation. Researchers: Mr. Christopher Bonnici, Ms. Janice Fenech, Ms Claire Abela, Ms Joanna Abela Cassar
- Preventive Programme for Domestic Violence. Researchers: Ms Caroline Vella, Ms Delicia Farrugia, Ms Sherika Micallef Seychell, Dr Matthew Muscat Inglott
- Emotional Eating, Stress and Coping in College Students during the COVID-19 pandemic Researcher: Dr Daniela Cassola
- Why Chaplaincy in MCAST?: A Grounded Theory Approach Researcher: Mr David Callaby Floridia
- A feasibility study for an eatery with a focus on decent work for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Researcher: Mr David Callaby Floridia
Researcher Profiles
- Mr Christopher Bonnici
- Ms Janice Fenech
- Ms Claire Abela
- Ms Joanna Abela Cassar
- Ms Fiorella Borg
- Ms Christina Agius
- Ms Antonella Brincat
- Mr David Callaby Floridia
- Ms Caroline Vella
- Ms Delicia Farrugia
- Ms Sherika Micallef Seychell
- Mr Mark Spiteri
- Dr Daniela Cassola
Post-Graduate Related Programmes
Master's by Research
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Camilleri, M.A., Camilleri, A. (2021) "The acceptance of learning management systems and video conferencing technologies: Lessons learned form COVID-19" Technology, Learning, Knowledge and Learning, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-021-09561-y
- Spiteri, D. (2020) “An expression of resilience? The experiences students from an asylum-seeking background at MCAST, a college in Malta”. Resilience in schools: Research and practice. (Ed. C. Cefai & R. Spiteri). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Spiteri, D. and Borg, J. (2019) Autism Spectrum Disorder. How do Maltese care services respond? MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice (Malta), 3(2), 160-171.
- Calleja, P. et al. (2019) Global benchmarking of children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries. Obesity Reviews. 2019; 20( S2): 116– 128. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.12840
MCAST Entrepreneurship Research (MER)
Research Profile
MER was set up in January 2020, where a group of 3 senior lecturers lecturing Entrepreneurship at MCAST, felt the need to join forces into one research group. Despite coming from different institutes within MCAST, primarily IICT and IET, the lecturers found a good synergy working together.
Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of MCAST. The rationale behind the group’s existence is to analyse Entrepreneurship in various aspects of life. A primary focus would be Entrepreneurship within the educational scenario. Delivering the Entrepreneurship unit at MCAST might be challenging in view of the wide variety of disciplines that such unit is delivered to. One also needs to take into consideration that the unit is being delivered within a VET scenario. In our opinion, research on how Entrepreneurship is impacting VET students’ prospects is limited.
We consider this as a starting point, and in the future, other research themes related to Entrepreneurship will be developed and incorporated within the MER hub’s research profile.
The aims of this research group are:
- To set up a hub where Entrepreneurship can be researched and possibly propose improvements in the way it is being delivered.
- To serve as a point of contact within MCAST and with other stakeholders, to promote Entrepreneurship activities within MCAST
- To promote the Entrepreneurial Mindset throughout the whole organisation (MCAST)
Current areas of Interest are the combination of Entrepreneurship and the Educational System with special reference to the Vocational stream.
The hub is still in its early stages, and one research theme, namely Entrepreneurship in VET, is currently being investigated. The hub’s vision is however wider in scope, and more Entrepreneurship-related research themes and initiatives need to be explored. These research areas would be beneficial not only for MCAST’s stakeholders but also for the local economic sector.
Key Projects
- The role of Entrepreneurship as a subject in Vocational Education and Training Context: Taking MCAST as case study
Contact Info
- Email: mer@mcast.edu.mt
Researcher Profiles
Related Programmes
MCAST Entrepreneurship Centre led courses:
- ‘Employability and Entrepreneurial skills’ unit delivered at Level 4 across various MCAST disciplines.
- ‘Entrepreneurship’ – A unit followed by most degree students across all MCAST disciplines. (Course Outline)
Additional Info:
- MCAST Link article giving a brief overview of the Entrepreneurship courses being taught at MCAST.
Research Profile
MER was set up in January 2020, where a group of 3 senior lecturers lecturing Entrepreneurship at MCAST, felt the need to join forces into one research group. Despite coming from different institutes within MCAST, primarily IICT and IET, the lecturers found a good synergy working together.
Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of MCAST. The rationale behind the group’s existence is to analyse Entrepreneurship in various aspects of life. A primary focus would be Entrepreneurship within the educational scenario. Delivering the Entrepreneurship unit at MCAST might be challenging in view of the wide variety of disciplines that such unit is delivered to. One also needs to take into consideration that the unit is being delivered within a VET scenario. In our opinion, research on how Entrepreneurship is impacting VET students’ prospects is limited.
We consider this as a starting point, and in the future, other research themes related to Entrepreneurship will be developed and incorporated within the MER hub’s research profile.
The aims of this research group are:
- To set up a hub where Entrepreneurship can be researched and possibly propose improvements in the way it is being delivered.
- To serve as a point of contact within MCAST and with other stakeholders, to promote Entrepreneurship activities within MCAST
- To promote the Entrepreneurial Mindset throughout the whole organisation (MCAST)
Current areas of Interest are the combination of Entrepreneurship and the Educational System with special reference to the Vocational stream.
The hub is still in its early stages, and one research theme, namely Entrepreneurship in VET, is currently being investigated. The hub’s vision is however wider in scope, and more Entrepreneurship-related research themes and initiatives need to be explored. These research areas would be beneficial not only for MCAST’s stakeholders but also for the local economic sector.
Key Projects
- The role of Entrepreneurship as a subject in Vocational Education and Training Context: Taking MCAST as case study
Contact Info
- Email: mer@mcast.edu.mt
Researcher Profiles
Related Programmes
MCAST Entrepreneurship Centre led courses:
- ‘Employability and Entrepreneurial skills’ unit delivered at Level 4 across various MCAST disciplines.
- ‘Entrepreneurship’ – A unit followed by most degree students across all MCAST disciplines. (Course Outline)
Additional Info:
- MCAST Link article giving a brief overview of the Entrepreneurship courses being taught at MCAST.
Technology and Measurements for Aerospace
Research Profile
Technologies and mechanical measurements for aerospace is a branch of engineering covering a wide range of problems in the ever-growing aviation and space industry. Measurements are used throughout all aerospace processes such as Research and Development, Manufacturing, Quality Control/Testing, Prototyping, Fabricating, Machining and Welding.
The research will be focused on addressing the following interconnected main topics:
- Hypervelocity impacts
- Aerospace Structures
- Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) for Aviation
The understanding of material properties subjected to impact situations is pivotal in different aerospace applications to guarantee safe operations and, to evaluate the impact damage on structures and systems, specific tools are required.
Light-Gas Gun (LGG) facilities can be applied to simulate a range of different scenarios, varying the ballistic impacts conditions, with different sizes and energies. The LGG can be capable of propelling projectiles to the speed of sound (~340m/s) and up. A similar facility allows testing many different projectile materials, for example, soft body impactors, useful for bird strike simulations, ice for hail replication and other solid materials like aluminium and plastics. Moreover, another possible application is to test spacecraft components or material, like composites or 3D printed metal shields. There is an ever-growing threat to spacecraft in the form of the impact of man-made orbital debris.
In this framework, the main aim of this group is to develop research in disciplines connected with sciences, technologies and measurements for aviation and space with a broad vision of the respective problematic, exploring business and research opportunities in the rapidly growing aviation market and the new rising space sector in Malta.
Currently, the are ongoing collaborations with the University of Padova and the Center of Studies and Activities for Space CISAS “G. Colombo” (Italy) to develop the first hypervelocity impact facility in Malta. Moreover, joint activities are being planned about the following topics:
- Space Debris impacts: A study for materials analysis, structures response simulations and experiments with a particular focus on applications in the growing aerospace economy.
- Interplanetary exploration, business opportunities and application to the aviation sector - A cooperative study.
Key Projects
- SPARO – Design of the first hypervelocity impact facility in Malta
Researcher Profiles
Collaborating Entities
Space Systems Group - University of Padova, Italy
Prof. Emeritus Cesare Barbieri – Department of Astronomy
Prof. Alessandro Francesconi - Department of Industrial Engineering
Dr Lorenzo Olivieri - Center of Studies and Activities for Space CISAS “G. Colombo”
Select Publications & Dissertations
- Barilaro L., Falsetti C., Olivieri L., Giacomuzzo C., Francesconi A., Beard P., Camilleri R.: A conceptual study to characterize properties of space debris from hypervelocity impacts through Thin Film Heat Flux Gauges.
IEEE MetroAeroSpace Conference (Napoli, Italy), June 2021
- Barilaro L., Falsetti C., Olivieri L., Giacomuzzo C., Francesconi A., Beard P., Camilleri R.: A conceptual study to characterize properties of space debris from hypervelocity impacts through Thin Film Heat Flux Gauges.
Health Innovation
Research Profile
Health innovations assist with new developments in the health sphere to address current problems. The World Health Organization1 has defined the aim of Health Innovation as the development of “new or improved health policies, systems, products and technologies, and services and delivery methods that improve people’s health”. It relates not only to the “curative”, “assistive” and/or “rehabilitative” aspects of health, but also to the promotion of health and prevention of health problems.
Key Projects
Development of an Integrated Simulation and Assessment in Donning and Doffing for healthcare professionals (ISADD)
ISADD, a research project coordinated by MCAST, is financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology, for and on behalf of the Foundation for Science and Technology, through the Research Excellence Programme.
Website: https://isadd.mcast.edu.mt/Researcher Profiles
Mr Neville Schembri
Ms Dorianne Cachia
Ms Phyllis Farrugia Abanifi
Mr Gerard Said Pullicino
Mr Daren Scerri
Mr Jonathan Vella
Dr Lorna Bonnici West
Select Publications & Dissertations
SPIDEM – A research concept: Studying Pollutants in Different Environmental Matrices
Research Profile
The environment is considered to be the sum total of human surroundings consisting of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biota. Human beings are totally dependent on the environment for life itself. It is because of this dependency that human or anthropogenic impacts are causing significant effects on the natural environment.
Anthropogenic impacts on the environment includes changes caused directly or indirectly by humans. Amongst the myriad of negative implications, changes have induced climate change, triggered soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. Therefore, fouling the environment by different types of pollution can have many harmful consequences, damage to human health being of greatest concern. Such implications are brought about by a wide number of drivers, ranging from overpopulation to unsustainable resource practices. These negative impacts can have ripple consequences that go beyond the environment, and into the social and economic realms. It is therefore imperative to have an excellent understand of the anthropogenic implications on different environmental matrices; by starting to understand the problem, possible mitigation measures could be identified.
It is within this context that SPIDEM plays an important role; by studying pollutants in different environmental settings, one will have a proper understanding of the following concepts:
- The effects of the anthropogenic activity on a particular environmental system
- Assessing the vulnerability of any given system
- Possible links between different systems
- Understanding pollutant transfer from one system to another
- Pragmatic mitigation measures
Key Projects
Identifying Microplastic Hotspots in the Maltese Waters (IMPACT)
Identifying Microplastic Hotspots in the Maltese Waters - IMPACT (GA: PRD 002) is supported under the PARADISE Call for Start-up Actions 2020-Malta Council for Science and Technology.
Website: https://www.projectimpact.mt/
Researcher Profiles
Select Publications
- Agius, M. & Bonello, J. (2022). Domestic Greywater recycling: A review. In: Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery Conference 2022. Poznań, Poland: International Water Association, 34. Access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbWGEQXEOdo
- Bartolo, D., Bonello, J. J., Spagnol Gravino, F. & Caruana, R. (2021). Water quality characterization and the related implications within il-Maghluq ta’ Marsaskala (a special area of conservation). The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research.
- Avellino, N. & Bonello, J. J. (2021). Energy transition in Malta: Understanding the implication on the environment and public perception. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation, 9: 38 – 45. Access: https://ijepr.avestia.com/2021/004.htmlAvellino, N. & Bonello, J. J. (2021). From heavy fuel oil to liquified natural gas: Electricity generation transition in Malta. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress om Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’21). Access: https://avestia.com/CSEE2021_Proceedings/files/paper/ICEPTP/ICEPTP_106.pdf
- Ferrari, A., Di Crescenzo, S., Cariani, A., Crobe, V., Benvenuto, A., Piattoni, F., ... & Tinti, F. (2021). Puzzling over spurdogs: molecular taxonomy assessment of the Squalus species in the Strait of Sicily. The European Zoological Journal, 88(1), 181-190.
- Bonello, J. J. & Sammut, M. (2019). Comparison of the total bacterial counts between the bathing season and off-season in a number of beaches in the Maltese Islands. Rapport du Congrès de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 42: 256. Access: http://ciesm.org/online/archives/abstracts/pdf/42/CIESM_Congress_2019_Cascais_article_0256.pdf
- Bonnici, L., Bonello, J., & Schembri, P. (2018). Diet and trophic level of the longnose spurdog, Squalus blainville (Risso, 1826) in the 25-nautical mile Fisheries Management Zone around the Maltese Islands. Regional Studies In Marine Science, 19, 33-42.
- Cariani, A., Messinetti, S., Ferrari, A., Arculeo, M., Bonello, J.J, Bonnici, L, Cannas, R., Carbonara, P., Cau, A., Charilaou, C., El Ouamari, N., Fiorentino, F., Follesa, M.C., Garofalo, G., Golani, D., Guarniero, I., Hanner, R., Hemida, F., Kada, O., Lo Brutto, S., Mancusi, C., Morey, G., Schembri, P.J., Serena, F., Sion, L., Stagioni, M., Tursi, A., Vrgoc, N., Steinke & D., Tinti, F. (2017). Improving the Conservation of Mediterranean Chondrichthyans: The ELASMOMED DNA Barcode Reference Library. PLOS One. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0170244
- Bonello, J., Bonnici, L., Ferrari, A., Cariani, A., & Schembri, P. (2015). Not all that clear cut: intraspecific morphological variability in Squalus blainville (Risso, 1827) and implications for identification of the species. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 1-12.
- Bonello, J. J., Borg, J. A., Evans, J., & Schembri, P. J. (2013). Functional diversity of feeding mechanisms in infralittoral cobble beds in Maltese harbours and non-harbours. Rapport du Congrès de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 39: 526. Access: https://ciesm.org/online/archives/abstracts/pdf/40/#
- Kovacic, M., Bonello, J. J., & Evans J. (2013). Three new records of Gobiidae from Malta with morphology, colouration and identification of the smallest known juveniles of two small gobiid species. Cybium, 37(4): 233-239
Select Dissertations
- Agius, T. (2021). The occurrence and distribution of microplastics
in different environmental matrices within the Maltese islands [Unpublished
undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science &
- Tedesco, A. (2020). Developing a method for the identification of microplastics in the Maltese Marine Environment [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Spiteri, L. (2020). Identification and Method Validation of Microplastics in Maltese sandy beaches [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Ruff, T. (2020). Spatial and temporal analysis of bathing waters around the Maltese Islands: a focus on Escherichia coli and Intestinal enterococci [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Avellino, N. (2020). From heavy fuel oil to liquified natural gas: The different aspects related to electricity generation transition in Malta [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Agius, M. (2020). Overview of Greywater Recycling Systems: Assessing the Sustainability of Greywater Recycling Systems in Small Organisations [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Bartolo, D. (2019). Water quality characterisation and its implications within il-Magħluq ta’ Marsaskala (a Special Area of Conservation) [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Sammut, M. (2018). Comparing the water quality of a number of artificial and natural beaches in the Maltese islands [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Portelli, P. (2017). Assessing the water quality through seasonal variations of Habitat 3140 Rdum Majjiesa and Ras il-Qammiegh Natura 2000 freshwater rock pools [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Muscat, M. (2017). Assessing and comparing the potential implications between land uses and water quality from two different sites in Northern Malta [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Debono, M. (2017). The characterisation of the land uses within the Marsalforn valley and also the study of their impacts and relation to the water quality of the valley throughout different points [Unpublished undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology.
- Agius, T. (2021). The occurrence and distribution of microplastics
in different environmental matrices within the Maltese islands [Unpublished
undergraduate dissertation]. The Malta College of Arts, Science &
AI for Logistics and Inventory Management
Research Profile
One of the pinnacle technologies leading the industry into the future is the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to supply chain management. While AI is defined by some [1] as the ability of machines to communicate and imitate the capabilities of humans, AI can truly go beyond the abilities of humans by dealing with large quantities of data whilst simultaneously handling multiple inputs and variables. The use of AI in the industry is leading to competitive advantages for industries that are willing to include it within their processes [3].
While the application of AI is generally to accomplish a specific task, AI can be applied to diverse problems that can occur within the supply chain. The research will currently be focused on problems within the area of inventory management, as highlighted to us as a priority by collaborating industries. Improving upon their current statistical approach to predicting inventory quantities by leveraging information, can lead to overall reduced inventory costs. It can also allow industries to better meet their customers’ demands. Reducing inventory costs is a priority since it has been shown to take a considerable portion of the total logistic operation cost, with materials going unused, occupying physical space, which could be used to generate further profit [2].
Once a thorough investigation of this area is conducted and a solution is successfully implemented, further investigations on the benefits of AI applied to industry, as well as advice from relations with industrial partners will help direct our research to better meet the specific industrial needs in Malta.
Currently, a collaboration between this research team and Methode Electroincs Malta Ltd. is underway. Methode Electronics Malta Ltd has identified AI as a solution for inventory management and is keen to partner with the research team.
Research Interests
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Applications of AI
- Automotive industry
- Computer vision
Key Projects
- Currently, a collaboration between this research team and Methode Electronics Malta Ltd. is underway. Methode Electronics Malta Ltd has identified AI as a solution for inventory management and is keen to partner with the research team.
- Currently, a collaboration between this research team and Methode Electronics Malta Ltd. is underway. Methode Electronics Malta Ltd has identified AI as a solution for inventory management and is keen to partner with the research team.
Researcher Profiles
- Stephane Role graduated with a B.Eng(Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Malta in 2012. In 2013 he was awarded an MSc in Bio-engineering at Imperial College with a specific focus on machine learning applied to neural signals. Following his academic studies, Stephane worked in Industry as a research engineer at Baxter Trading Company Limited from 2013 to 2015 and eventually started as an assistant lecturer role with MCAST, a role which he still currently holds. He has also acted as a board member on the Maltese Chamber of Engineers as well as editor of the magazine ”Engineering Today” from 2016-2018. Stephane is currently in his final year, reading for a PhD in Engineering at the University of Warwick. The focus of his research is the application of machine learning to autonomous driving vehicles with a specific focus on learning to recognise place through visual means. The PhD is in collaboration with Ordnance Survey, the UK’s national mapping agency and Stephane has acted as a consultant on the E-CAVE project. A national-scale project to develop a platform for sharing and cataloguing autonomous driving data to accelerate research.
- Kevin Cerullo graduated with a Bachelors (Hons) in English and Political Science from the University of Connecticut in 2009. He has over 12 years of experience within Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management. In 2010 he moved from the USA to Malta and began working within the Supply Chain and Logistics field in the shipping industry and armed Guard vessel management. In 2014 he began working for Energy Development Corporation and created a supply chain network in the USA for the Filipino based company. In 2017 he was awarded a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration from Syracuse University, New York, the USA with concentrations in Data Analytics and Supply Chain Science. From 2017 to 2021 he worked within the automotive industry for Methode Electronics Global in inventory and supply chain management, where he spent his time reducing inventory, creating systems to support material planning and logistics as well as project management of new Launches. He has developed an expertise in data analytics and lean inventory management, Kanban, and just in time manufacturing with an emphasis on supplier relationship development and freight cost reduction through advanced logistics planning. Kevin is currently a Senior Lecturer at MCAST leading the Transportation and Logistics Management department. He remains connected to the Industry acting as a Consultant to global Manufacturing companies within the automotive and trucking industries.
- Stephane Role graduated with a B.Eng(Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Malta in 2012. In 2013 he was awarded an MSc in Bio-engineering at Imperial College with a specific focus on machine learning applied to neural signals. Following his academic studies, Stephane worked in Industry as a research engineer at Baxter Trading Company Limited from 2013 to 2015 and eventually started as an assistant lecturer role with MCAST, a role which he still currently holds. He has also acted as a board member on the Maltese Chamber of Engineers as well as editor of the magazine ”Engineering Today” from 2016-2018. Stephane is currently in his final year, reading for a PhD in Engineering at the University of Warwick. The focus of his research is the application of machine learning to autonomous driving vehicles with a specific focus on learning to recognise place through visual means. The PhD is in collaboration with Ordnance Survey, the UK’s national mapping agency and Stephane has acted as a consultant on the E-CAVE project. A national-scale project to develop a platform for sharing and cataloguing autonomous driving data to accelerate research.
Collaborating Entities
- Methode Electronics Malta Ltd.
Select Publications & Dissertations
[1] Cuneyt Dirican. The impacts of robotics, artificial intelligence on business and economics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195:564–573, 2015.
[2] Kees Jan Roodbergen, Iris FA Vis, and G Don Taylor Jr. Simultaneous determination of warehouse layout and control policies. International Journal of Production Research, 53(11):3306–3326, 2015.
[3] Liang Thow-Yick and Ta Huu-Phuong. Management expert systems for competitive advantage in business. Information & Management, 18(4):195– 201, 1990.
Sustainable Water Irrigation
Research Profile
The Mediterranean region faces significant water scarcity further exacerbated by high tourist activities, population growth, changing food consumption patterns and climate change. Agriculture is the major water consumer and hence increasingly requires more efficient and sustainable irrigation technologies that are widely applicable and accepted by smallholder farmers. They must hence be low-cost, lean solutions that optimise natural resource use and income.
Key Projects
Improving MEDiterranean irrigation and Water supply for smallholder farmers by providing Efficient, low-cost and nature-based Technologies and practices (MED-WET)
Select Publications & Dissertations